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We’re back this month with some handy updates as requested by some of you. So, let’s dive in to see what’s new this month!
🚜 Download Deere prescriptions
Prescriptions can now be downloaded from John Deere via Leaf so you can use them however you like in your digital solution and beyond. You’ll find the endpoint in our documentation here.
Boost your interoperability game and make your precision workflow as smooth as a well-tuned tractor.
⚡️ Weather by Lat/Long
Unleash your inner meteorologist and fetch weather data using Lat/Long coordinates without the need to connect fields first. So you can now take a shortcut for building weather into your app, and sooner experience what it’s like having a personal weather wizard at your fingertips.

Head to the documentation here for more on getting data by Lat/Long, or if you’re interested in browsing some demo data for Leaf weather in general, take a peek here.
🥁 React’ing to Your Needs - Provider Authentication Link
We recently launched our pre-built Leaf Link widgets for provider authentication and file upload (read more here if you missed it). Adding on to this update, we’ve got some good news for the React enthusiasts - the provider authentication Link is now also available in React!
Click here for the documentation.
If you have any questions or feedback for the team, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us at help@withleaf.io.