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Welcome to the September 2023 release notes! This month, we're excited to highlight precision planting, farm data alerts, and our enhanced geospatial capabilities. We've been hard at work fine-tuning the farm data you receive through Leaf, and we're thrilled to share these improvements with you. Here's what's new this September:
🌱 Planting variability: skips and doubles added

- Skips: Detect missing seeds/plants within a row, unveiling the occasional seed ‘vanishing act’ during the planting operation.
- Doubles: Identify instances where two seeds compete for the same space; after all, plants need their ‘personal space’ to thrive.
These metrics are practical for diagnosing and addressing planting inconsistencies that negatively impact farm performance. You can reference the sample data in the documentation below:
View documentation - machine files
View documentation - operations (machine files merged to a field boundary)
🚨 New alerts for implements, batches and provider integration
Leaf alerts serve as your watchful eyes on everything going on with farm data, keeping you informed the moment an event is triggered. This month, we've introduced new alerts, ensuring you receive instant notifications when:
- A user successfully integrates a provider.
- There’s a new batch ID from the machine file API (from a manual file upload).
- There’s a new implement or an implement has been updated.
View documentation for the full list of alerts
🗺️ Improved geospatial matching accuracy for operations

With Leaf's new buffer algorithm, matching field operations with field boundaries is now in perfect harmony, even for the most complex fields. As you can see in the image above, the buffer algorithm offers a more accurate option for geospatial matching than the previous convex hull algorithm.
This feature is controlled by a field operation configuration setting called 'summaryGeometry,' which you can explore further in the documentation below. Say hello to a new era of mapping magic, where all your operations will be 'on point,' regardless of boundary complexity.
Got questions or thoughts? Reach out to us at help@withleaf.io.
Stay tuned for more updates in the pipeline.